chaos yesterday. upgrade today. we compromised with the feedback. bigger sign. easier to read. we understand the concern for safety. but in thinking about driving and the road how many signs do we see. how many do we need to read. electronic signs. billboards. ads. etc. it could be possible that we, as a country, are so dependent on driving cars we are programmed to be able read postings and signs while driving. if its such the concern get off the cellphone. leave the cds alone. put the make-up on at home. or work. it is a concern. i guess this is what society has allowed us to be with all the ever-changing element it throws to us each day. it is your free choice to read. or not.
Okay. positive. back to life. we were very lucky to have the support of chelsea's little sister paris. great ideas she has. love it. today we recieved the strongest. most exciting responses yet. the message was simple today. but hard for many to say. we saw lots of smiles. heard lots of screams. we all needed the message.
we seem to get lost. everyday. in what beauty is. we don't tell ourselves enough. we forget in our mind who we are. allowing someone else to tell us. just the small thought today made many of us remember. maybe a moment. a day. or a mindset.
this topic doesn't bring much conversation. however. we did meet Z. a regular walk by. a blogger. a new friend. he stopped today. after some seeming contemplation ;). he says, "you inspire me everyday. see you tomorrow."
i loved the inspired part. its what we are here to do. what was different was "see you tomorrow." it was a feeling of "lets face it together." it was counting on each other as a community. such a feeling.